澳门威斯人游戏网站官网决定任命杨捷先生(Jay Yang)出任公司副总裁兼欧美区域总裁(含摩洛哥),他将全面负责欧美区域(含摩洛哥)业务开发,包括前驱体及相关材料、冶炼、资源回收及区域经营管理,该任命自2024年4月1日起生效。
Mr.Jay Yang will be appointed as Vice President of CNGR Advanced Material Co.,LTD and President of regions Europe,America and Morocco,in which Mr.Yang will take full business and management responsibility of precursor of cathode active material base,metal refinery and resource recycling.The appointment will be effective from April 1st 2024.
杨捷先生(Jay Yang)加入澳门威斯人游戏网站官网之前曾在世界500强企业巴斯夫集团担任多个事业部负责人,包括聚氨酯事业部、中间体事业部以及电池材料事业部。他的全球化视野、卓越领导力及领先的行业经验将进一步加快和提升澳门威斯人游戏网站官网的国际化发展速度及质量。
Prior to joining CNGR,Mr.Yang held several senior executive roles in multiple divisions of BASF group(Fortune Global 500)including Polyurethane,Intermediates and Battery materials.We believe CNGR’s rapid and high-quality globalization development will be benefitted from Mr.Yang’s global insight,strong leadership and solid industrial experience.